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South Lake Primary School

Sports Premium

We love sports at South Lake! We believe that all children should be given opportunities to take part in different sports, as the impact on their mental well-being as well as their physiscal fitness can be life-long. South Lake is lucky to have qualified sports leaders who take curriculum lessons and after-school clubs and teams.

For children who show a particular aptitude, we compete in local and district leagues , with teams representing us in sports such as football, table tennis, tag rugby and kurling.

In year 5, the children have swimming lessons with qualified staff at a local pool. This is part of the curriculum offer and a contribution towards travel costs is the only request from parents/carers. In year 6, 90% of our children are able to swim 25 metres unaided, using a recognisable stroke.

Physical Education and Sports Premium

The PE and Sports Premium is designed to help primary schools improve the quality of sports provision they offer pupils so that all pupils can develop healthy lifestyles.

Sports Premuim Action Plan Report

Please see link below



Orchard Learning Alliance