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South Lake Primary School

Safeguarding - information for parents and carers.

Safeguarding the children is our primary responsibility.

Everyone who works at South Lake School is responsible for the safeguarding of the children.  We are obliged to act on any concerns.

Reporting Safeguarding concerns to school
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead (the person who deals with any referrals or concerns about Safeguarding of children in school) is Mrs Butler-Willis - Headteacher
Mrs C Stobie and Miss J Stickley are also trained Designated Leads and are the Deputy Safeguarding Leads for South Lake School. Mrs Hamer and Mrs Thorpe are trained to the same level and can stand in for any of the DSL team if necessary.

Mrs Beth Rowland is the lead governor for safeguarding. 

If you have any concerns about a child or family and you think that the Designated Safeguarding Lead ought to know, you can come in and see one of us personally or call and ask to speak to one of us at the school.

Click here to read the Children's Commissioner's report for parents on talking to your child about sexual harassment.

Useful Numbers
Wokingham Children's Safeguarding and Social Care team 0118 908 8002 
Emergency Duty Team 01344 786 543
NSPCC 0808 800 5000
Thames Valley Police tel:101
Call 999 in an emergency if you believe a child is in immediate danger

Local Authority Designated Officer - for safeguarding allegations about staff, if you are unable to speak to a safeguarding lead in school:
Call 0118 974 6141

Our staff are trained using the document 'Keeping Children Safe in Education', a copy of which can be seen below.

Our policy is available from the link below. It is reviewed yearly to make sure it is in line with current guidance.


PREVENT is a government programme which is about safeguarding adults and children who may be vulnerable to all forms of extremism or radicalisation.  

The aim is to act early by spotting the warning signs of an individual at risk of being drawn or groomed into extremist and terrorism ideologies and provide early intervention and support.

 Use this link to find out more about PREVENT and what to look for, if you are worried about someone who is showing signs of extremism or radicalisation: Safeguarding and referral (



Orchard Learning Alliance