Our Pastoral Care Team
Running through our school curriculum is our core belief that the children's emotional well-being is just as important as their physical health and children who feel secure are ready to learn. Good mental health allows children and young people to develop the strategies to cope with the normal changes and events in life and grow into well-rounded, emotionally resilient adults.
Our Provision
Every member of staff at South Lake works to ensure that children feel happy and secure in school. If you have any concerns about your child, mention it to their class teacher or email the office and ask for them to call you.
We have a pastoral care and nurture team who provide additional support where children are experiencing anxieties or difficulties, whatever the reason. This support ensures that school feels like a safe place to be; children know where they can seek help and are supported to be in school every day.
We have worked with Nurture network UK to improve our provision for children who have emotional or social needs that can present as poor behaviour. Our aim is to see behaviour as a communication and to recognise the impact of relationships and transitions through a child's life.
We have a Nurture space, called Treetops, which the children can access to seek support. Our school assistance dog, Barney, is based there and is timetabled to spend time with children who benefit from some quiet time with a very good listener. He also loves running around the woods with the children from After School Club!
Pastoral Care and Nurture team:
Mrs Stobie, Mrs Butler-Willis, Miss Stickley, Barney the dog.