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South Lake Primary School

Our Curriculum

Our curriculum provides our children with:
Aspiration, and the resilience to achieve.
A rich bank of knowledge and a thirst for knowing more.
An extensive vocabulary and the ability to understand complex texts.
The ability to articulate their thoughts, make themselves understood and have a voice.
An understanding of their responsibilities for the future.
A respect for law and our responsibilities as a society.
Respect for those who differ from them.

Our curriculum has been written by us. It is based on the statutory National Curriculum, but designed for South Lake children, with their interests and needs at its heart. To find out more about our curriculum, click on the subject pages on the left of this page.

We layer our children's learning, making links to what has been learned previously so that they can make sense of the information and where it fits into what they already know. This helps them to retain the information and 'know and remember more'.

Listed below are the curriculum overviews for each year group.

Orchard Learning Alliance