If you ordered class photos a few weeks ago, they have just arrived and will be distributed in class over the next few days, for the children to bring home.
Year group Sports Days next week during Sports Challenge Week
The following revised dates are confirmed for each year groups sports challenge days next week. (please disregard previous communications if they are different)
Years 1&2 and Years 3&4 - Wednesday 30th June
Years 5&6 - Thursday 01st July.
Please ensure children come into school...
We have just been informed that Wokingham Borough Council have increased the prices of school lunches by 5p from September 2021, making the new hot school dinner price £2.15 per day.
We would be very grateful if you could please clear all dinner money accounts to a zero balance by the end o...
A reminder of ordering deadlines for school uniform;
School uniform can be ordered from www.michaelhope.co.uk.
For delivery to school all orders must be received by 25th June (free delivery)
For delivery to home all orders must be received by 04th August (currently chargeable at...
Please find detailed below the arrangements for the year 6's returning to school today. All being well, the coach should arrive back at school between 3:20 and 4:00 - we will update with a more precise time once they have left and are on their way.
When you arrive, please could you wait...
After an amazing week away the year 6's are heading home tomorrow. The coach is planning to leave around 2:00 - 2:15pm tomorrow, so traffic permitting should arrive between 3:30pm - 4:00pm. We will update you with a more precise time once the coach is nearer home, so please watc...
School uniform can be ordered from www.michaelhope.co.uk.
So that you can order uniform in time for the beginning of next term, Michael Hope have asked that we advise of the below ordering deadlines;
For delivery to school all orders must be received by 25th June (free delivery)
For d...
The year 6 classes have just arrived at PGL and are settling into their rooms after a very excitable journey. With a fun packed week ahead we'll try update you via the school app, twitter (@lakeprimary) and the school Facebook page (signal permitting).