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South Lake Primary School

Latest News

April 2020

  • 19/04/20

    Summer Term Online Work

    Look out for the updated work for the children on the website, under the 'Our Learning', then 'Home Learning' tabs: Click here. The work will be published tomorrow and updated each week until the school re-opens. Work can be emailed to teachers via the office: admin@s...
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  • 09/04/20

    Pupil Premium Vouchers

    We have spent a fourth day waiting for the families' details to upload to the voucher site and, today, uploading them individually. Like many schools across the country, we are experiencing difficulties with the voucher site, which is likely to be due to the volume of schools trying to access th...
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  • 07/04/20

    Pupil Premium Meal Vouchers

    We have finally received our access code for pupil premium funding (free school meals). The Government has now agreed to fund vouchers during the Easter holiday and we are applying for this; we are aware that this can take some days to be processed, but if you are eligible, we are expecting you to r...
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  • 03/04/20

    Easter Break

    The school is now closed. The emergency provision for critical workers' children is taking place offsite, with the Funtastic Kids company. The school office will open again on Monday 20th April, when the emergency childcare provision will open again for critical workers' children who have be...
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