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South Lake Primary School

School Lunch Money debt

With the end of term fast approaching, please could we ask that you make arrangements to clear any outstanding lunch debt before the end of term. 

At the end of term Caterlink will expect all debt to be cleared, and school funds are unable to cover monies not paid by our families.  The amount owed across the school is currently high.

Payments can be made online via Scopay.  Please let us know if you need an access code.

We will be contacting individual families and emails will also be sent with current amounts owed.  Please remember to take into account any lunches your children may have between now and the end of term and ensure there is a balance on your child's account for these too. 

School dinners are £2.05 per day to the end of term and will be rising to £2.10 next term.

If you have any questions or wish to discuss this please do contact Miss Payne, our School Business Manager or the school office.


Orchard Learning Alliance