Parents/Carers in school Wednesday 26th and Thursday 27th February

Parents/Carers in School Day – Wednesday 26th February and Thursday 27th February
We are pleased to invite you to join us in school to watch your children’s classes being taught.
We have two mornings available for you to book and you are welcome to come to your child’s class for half an hour and enjoy seeing them in action in school!
Bookings are live from 8:00pm today; each parent/carer can book to see each of their children once, if there are spaces. Numbers are limited due to room in the classes, so you will need to book quickly to avoid missing out.
This event is for adults only, as it would be disruptive to have younger children in the classes.
We will not be issuing tickets for this event; the booking system generates a list and names will be checked against the list when you arrive.
Please book via our online system:
There will be an electronic version of this letter on the school website news app this evening from 4 p.m. with a link for you to follow.
We look forward to welcoming you into school.