Thank you for recycling your crisp packets

Thank you all for collecting your crisp packets.
From the beginning of the recycling programme to the end of summer term we collected 7kg of crisp packets and after the school holidays there is at least that amount boxed ready to send off again.
What does that mean?....
You have prevented 14kg of waste going to landfill, once received by TerraCyle the packets are separated by material compositions cleaned, shredded and made into new recycled products with the added bonus that your rubbish has earned the school £28
A little plea……at the moment it takes over an hour to sort and flatten a bin full of packets. We have to send a minimum of 5kg at a time so all crisp packets need to be flat to fit as many as possible in the shipping box, if you flatten your packets at home this will greatly speed the process up. You can put smaller packets inside larger packets/multipack bags to keep them flat, do not fold into triangles.
Please no other rubbish. Biscuit wrappers, cans, nappies and latex gloves were among items found in the last bag!!!
South Lake PTFA