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South Lake Primary School

After School Activity Clubs start next week w/c 30th April

A reminder that all after school activity clubs start next Monday 30th April

Spaces for activity clubs for this term are now available to book via our online system:

Bookings are live now; parents/carers can book up to two places per child, if there are spaces.  Numbers are limited, so you will need to book quickly to avoid missing out.

Please note that where places were already allocated last term, these spaces have been pre-booked with the children’s names.  This applies to the Y6 Homework, DT, Football, Playground Games, Ukulele, Computing and Eco clubs. You will be able to see online if your child already has a booking. 
If you no longer want the place, please log in and cancel it so it can be released for another child.

Orchard Learning Alliance