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South Lake Primary School

Parking on the yellow zig zag lines outside school

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have noticed an increasing number of cars parking and dropping children off on the zig-zag lines at the front of school.  Please could we ask that our families do not use this area to drop children off as it is very dangerous especially at those times of the day.  We will be monitoring this situation going forward. 

We have an arrangement with our local pub/restaurant 'The Waterside', that our families are welcome to use their car park should you need to park, and it is then a short walk to the rear gate of school.

If you are registered as disabled and have a Blue Badge, you are permitted to park on site. Please contact the school office, who will ask to see your badge if you have not previously let us know.  

Thank you for your support.


Orchard Learning Alliance